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Meet Pillar 9™

Pillar 9™ Team

Mar 18, 2020

Meet Pillar 9™ – the registered company name of Alberta One Realty Listing Services Inc. (AORLS). This spring, Pillar 9 services will launch to provide a streamlined technology experience for REALTORS®.

Pillar 9™ is a for profit company owned by its REALTOR® subscribers – members of nine Alberta real estate boards and the Alberta Real Estate Association (AREA), which represent the founding shareholders.

With Pillar 9™, REALTORS® will have access to a wider pool of data to better serve their clients, improved buying power, access to new products and services, plus the ability to conduct business on a single-point MLS® System.

Pillar 9 MLS® System

Alberta board members have access to the ever innovating Matrix™ interface, with streamlined data fields and pick lists that are consistent for all users across Alberta. This Matrix MLS® structure as well as the Pillar 9 OnePlatform listing add/edit tool have been developed and customized to streamline data input, provide greater data accuracy and meet the Real Estate Standards Organization (RESO) Gold standards.

For more information on Pillar 9, visit our FAQ page or please email contact@pillarnine.com.